Sclerotherapy Could Be the Answer to Your Vein Problems

Varicose veins and spider veins affect more than a third of Americans, and while they’re a lot more common with age, anyone can develop these twisted, swollen veins. Sclerotherapy is one of the most widely used, time-tested treatments for varicose veins and spider veins, offering plenty of benefits for patients.  

At South Florida Surgical Group, our team uses advanced sclerotherapy techniques to treat varicose veins and spider veins in patients in Kendall and Miami, Florida. Every treatment plan is customized to ensure optimal results. If you have varicose veins or spider veins, sclerotherapy could be just the solution you’re looking for.

How sclerotherapy works

Sclerotherapy uses targeted injections of special chemical solutions to help get rid of varicose veins. Once the solution is injected into the damaged vein, it irritates the vein lining, causing scarring that closes off the vein and prevents blood from flowing through it. The damaged vein is eventually reabsorbed by your body, which also reroutes blood flow to neighboring veins for healthier circulation.

Sclerotherapy is performed right in the office using a topical numbing agent. Afterward, you might have some bruising, redness, or swelling in the area, as you would with many types of injections, but these effects go away soon after your treatment. 

While many types of varicose veins can be successfully treated with sclerotherapy, it’s most effective for treating smaller to medium-sized veins. It’s also a good treatment for men and women who don’t have bleeding or clotting disorders.

Benefits of sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy offers lots of benefits for patients, including a long history of safe, effective use. In fact, the principles of modern sclerotherapy date all the way back to the 19th century. That long history means you can feel confident about the treatment and its results.

Sclerotherapy is nonsurgical, meaning treatments are performed without the need for any anesthesia or sedation. You should have someone ready to drive you home, though, as you may be a bit uncomfortable following the procedure.

Topical numbing cream helps keep you comfortable during your treatment. Most people report very little discomfort beyond mild “pinching” as the solution is injected.

Sclerotherapy is often the treatment of choice for smaller veins because it’s very effective. Data indicate it’s about 80% effective in permanently eliminating problematic veins. Multiple areas can be treated during one office visit.

And there’s no real downtime following treatment — in fact, we encourage you to walk to prevent clot formation. The only things you’ll need to do are avoid strenuous activity and lifting for a couple of weeks, and wear a compression sock or bandage to reduce swelling and speed healing in the area.

With smaller veins, you’ll see your results in just a few weeks, once the vein is reabsorbed into your body. Larger veins can take up to a few months to disappear. If needed, you can have a repeat treatment to get the results you want with a larger vein.

Make healthy veins a priority for 2021

The New Year is a great time to make a commitment to better circulation and better vein health. Considering your entire body relies on a healthy circulatory system, getting treatment for your varicose veins is a great way to invest in your long-term wellness. To learn more about how we can improve your vein health, call the office at 305-279-9522, or use our online form to schedule a consultation and evaluation today.

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